InvestorsEdge focuses on providing online information and news with a focus on stock tips, penny stocks, stock trading, stock options, investing information, and professional news.
Our site is updated daily with new and valuable information about stocks. InvestorsEdge hopes to provide investors with a source for making good investment choices. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player of the stock market everyone will benefit from our tools, services and information we provide.
This blog is an effort to help consumers and investors in a time of economic turmoil. With proper education and stock advice, we hope to empower the public and help allow informed and confident stock decisions.
Paul Smith
Paul Smith has made a modest fortune in the stock market and has developed his experience while managing a personal finance advising business. As a young entrepreneur, Paul has managed to create his own business and help others understand the stock market. A specialty of Paul’s is understanding penny stocks and which of these to invest in. His interests include studying the stock market and finding out about new investment opportunities. He also loves taking his cocker spaniel Frank for runs along the beach.
Sandra MalHert
Sandra is a graduate at the University of British Columbia’s integrated marketing communications department. She has entered the stock market world as a force to be reckoned with and specializes in investing in penny stocks. Sandra’s writing and expertise is found in many business and marketing blogs, journals and websites. Sandra also has strong experience and interest in personal finance, journalism, and astronomy. Her hobbies include surfing the internet for stock tips and news, as well as surfing in the Pacific Ocean.
Bob Edwards
Bob has received a Masters degree in Journalism from Ryerson University and specializes in business writing. His work is featured in many prominent finance blogs and newspapers. Bob is incredibly interested in the stock market, especially the stocks he has invested in, and always has a careful eye watching Wall Street. His hobbies include skiing, golfing and playing checkers.